What’s Involved In Teeth Cleaning?

san diego dental officeMany patients are scared about the idea of having a teeth cleaning, but it’s a simple, painless process that’s essential for good dental health. In addition to the benefits of the procedure itself, a regular cleaning appointment every six months or as frequently as recommended by your San Diego dentist is a great chance to evaluate overall oral health.

The most important thing about teeth cleaning is its ability to prevent and treat gum disease. Here’s how it works: mineralized plaque, also called calculus or tartar, is removed from the teeth. Sounds simple enough, right?

The idea is that getting rid of plaque, tartar and any related bacteria allows gums to seal down to teeth, making deep pockets of infection less likely. If these pockets develop and aren’t treated, that’s called periodontal disease and can lead to loss of gums, teeth and even bone.

While you’re in the dental chair, your San Diego dental hygienist can also polish your teeth, evaluate their overall condition and:

  • examine overall oral health
  • make home dental care recommendations
  • show you how to brush and floss the right way, and
  • determine if there are already signs of gum disease.

When you allow a dentist to perform a thorough cleaning as well as a complete exam, you’re doing what you can to ensure that your teeth last a lifetime — and to ensure that any problems you already have are properly evaluated so they can be mitigated or even reversed.

A dental cleaning is about more than just a clean mouth on the day of the procedure. It’s about evaluating oral health and ensuring it for a lifetime. When you have clean teeth and know where you stand with regard to overall oral health, you’re empowered. Being left in the dark about your dental health is no place to be if you want to keep your teeth and your smile healthy.

For details, visit http://www.brightondentalsd.com