Botox & Filler Injections in Boston, MA

Most patients are sometimes concerned about when they should start getting Botox treatment. But this is not a straightforward question that any cosmetics surgeon can answer with certainty. It’s apparent that you will have to be 18years and above before seeking a Botox treatment. But regarding the exact time, it’s left to you to decide on that yourself.

Lines On The Forehead

Most people relax and only remember to go for Botox treatment when fine lines start showing on their foreheads. And these lines become visible even when they are in a relaxed mood. Meaning, you can still see the visible lines between the eyes and on the foreheads when they are not laughing, frowning or squinting. Most people start having these fine lines at an early age, mostly in their 20’s while for others; it becomes visible in their 30’s.

Preventative Botox

Botox works by preventing lines from becoming visible on the forehead. Particular for those people that squint a lot or feel they are likely to develop these fine lines at an early age due to their genetic makeup. Most people are prone to having two vertical lines at the middle of their forehead. Typically, Botox treatment could begin at the age of 25. Remember the early treatment of these lines is vital for the prevention of wrinkles from showing on the face.

Skin Color And Sun Damage

Most people decide to get Botox because of their skin type, color and the rate at which they are exposed to direct sunlight. Those with Caucasian skin may need to start using Botox at an early age especially when the surface has been exposed to too much sun. Botox is particularly useful when administered for the first time in the mid 30’s. However, those with darker skin may decide to wait longer before they start using Botox treatment.

There is no fixed age to start using Botox. The decision to start using it is a personal one that is affected by several factors such as heredity, sun damage, skin color and the need to prevent lines and wrinkles from becoming visible on the forehead.

It’s important to consult a professional dermatologist and skin care provider to understand how effective Botox treatment can be for you. You will also get to know about the many benefits and side effects of Botox.

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