Common Chemicals Just Lying in Your Toothpaste

Homemade Toothpaste Ingredients

Homemade Toothpaste Ingredients

We all put our toothbrush and toothpaste in our mouths every single day – hopefully twice a day! But do we really know what on earth is within the toothpaste that we ingest each time we brush our teeth? If you turn it over to have a look at the ingredients, you will quickly find that they are almost incomprehensible: after all, how often do we read about propylene glycol or triclosan in our daily lives? But with a little bit of research, it soon becomes apparent that we are innocently pouring poison into our bodies each and every day.

Let’s start with one of the most frequently heralded chemical that we can find within toothpaste: fluoride. That at least is one that we know about, but do we even really know what affect it can have on the body? Although it has been marked as safe by many medical professionals for years, further research into its long-lasting effects have found some startling evidence that is quite unnerving. Scientists have found that fluoride – or to give it its scientific name, sodium fluoride – actually can change development of reproductive organs. It is termed ‘developmental-reproductive toxic’, which never sounds good.

Another dangerous chemical that can be found within normal toothpaste is that propylene glycol that we mentioned earlier. As well as being used as an ingredient in toothpaste, you can also find this chemical within antifreeze. That’s right, you read that correctly: antifreeze. And we are putting it straight into our mouths. It is astounding really that manufactures are permitted to put it into their toothpaste concoctions.

These are just two examples of the dangerous chemicals that can be found in almost all toothpaste brands. It is always better to be informed, even if the information is not very palatable.

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